Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Fanatical anti-abortion groups incendiary bombed their own compounds today as a statement of symbolic sacrifice for the unborn. Many believed their martyrdom would become the ultimate symbol of their beliefs.
The members of the groups specifically wanted to craft a most brilliant unsavory suicide. They wanted to out do the Budhist monk dropping the match on his gas filled ass..Vietnam was nothing compared to their passion.. Hence the Molotov/Napalm cocktails fashioned of basic ingredients from around the house, properly mixed for the 'napalm' effect.. Laundry detergent can clean in so many ways.
They set the cameras to roll - on every moment of their blistering skin melting, frying - lye in their eyes- burning through their brains, bones and marrow melting to a yogurt consistency only the snobbiest cannibal would find unappetizing....Footage of Olympic worthy bottle throwing, each member grinning, fiery, burning, laughing, melting martyrs.. bottles of gas and styrofoam, detergent, lit wicks --crafted from sick socks...

The footage got leaked... Investigators tried their hardest not to let it become public.. YouTube first played it, file sharing, everything..'played it'
Next day the TV news, Drudge report, vicious viral videos, everywhere...
People melting into oozing caricatures of abortion, in their case however, 50 years of bible-fucking too late..
That's what they wanted, after so many of them got thrown in jail for murdering the 'murderers': the doctors, the mothers...and occasionally the one night stand father that was honorable enough to show up- to say goodbye to his unknown 'child'.
That's what they wanted, a spectacle.
Shortly after all 200 group members melted away..
Nobody heard anything more about abortion clinic bombings..Pickets, harassment..nothing.
Nothing at all..the traffic on the streets slowing, disappearing..complete quiet citywide..from state to state..
A stillness unknown for a hundred years..The effect of these events spreading world wide..
Like a Pandemic of thought, a meme spreading out, everyone learned how to make these liberating cocktails..everyone.
The population dwindled, a winding down, no loud music, no irate customers, no overheard cell phone conversations..

Only the faint distant sound of the last people..a heavy duty,
medical grade vacuum...and laughter..grinning, melting laughter.

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